How to Create a Closed Timelike Curve By Bryan 9 March 2009 funky, spacetime, time Time along the vertical axis; space along the horizontal…. Voila! And now, how to travel to the past…. Soul Physics is authored by Bryan W. Roberts. Thanks for subscribing. Want more Soul Physics? Try the Soul Physics Tweet. ← Did All Calorists Believe in Caloric? Can Time Unfold in the Wrong Direction? → One thought on “How to Create a Closed Timelike Curve” Nathan 17 April 2009 at 11:25 pm It’s like a möbius strip of goodness. Can’t all things be infinitely folded?
Nathan 17 April 2009 at 11:25 pm It’s like a möbius strip of goodness. Can’t all things be infinitely folded?
It’s like a möbius strip of goodness.
Can’t all things be infinitely folded?