Soul Physics: Best of 2009
If you’re new to Soul Physics, try some of our classic posts! The following posts received either a lot of traffic or a lot of comments (or both) in 2009.
- Where the material conditional gets its truth conditions. A simple explanation to aid students of classical predicate logic.
- Hyper-intelligent fish and black hole thermodynamics. A thought on the well-known analogy between hydrodynamics and black hole thermodynamics.
- Can Time Unfold in the Wrong Direction? An argument that yes, it can, according to Special Relativiy.
- How Time Really Passes. A response to John Norton’s argument that there’s some sort of problem here.
- Another unexpectedly simple failure of determinism. An ill-posed initial value problem of the Norton-dome kind, constructed from a simple mass-on-a-spring system.
- Possible Positions on the Passage of Time. An illustrated catalogue of your options.
- Group Structural Realism (Part 4). The last of a 4-part argument that there’s little hope for this kind of view.
Best wishes for 2010!
— Bryan
Soul Physics is authored by Bryan W. Roberts. Thanks for subscribing.
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