Get Started Learning General Relativity Online

…relativity, all of which is available for free online. If you know of any online resources that are not on this list, suggest them in the comments and I will add them to the list! Contents Non-mathematical introductions to general relativity Mathematical introductions to general relativity Philosophy of general relativity Other general relativity references. Non-mathematical introductions to general relativity Einstein for Everyone, by John D. No…

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Special: What’s With the Economy.

…o make and sell burgers in. The wealthy Scrooge McDuck had enough money to buy buildings. So they struck the following deal. McDuck gave BurgerBee the money to buy a building for their burger joint (say, 100,000 dollars). In return, BurgerBee gave McDuck a little certificate, which says that BurgerBee will pay McDuck MUCH MORE than the original amount (say, 200,000 dollars). But the payments are made in small amounts, every month, over the course…

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How Time Really Passes

…uces passage to an artifact of our perception. The best explanation of the reliable succession of these three mental states is that they reflect an objective regularity in the world. Passage is real. It produces the serial delivery of moments to our minds. We become aware of it through the succession of these three identifiable mental states. 2. Physical Theories Describe Passage In a physical theory, passage appears as a relationship between matt…

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Get Started Reading Books and Articles on the Cheap

…. Or, visit your local University’s library for an even grander selection. Buy very, very cheap books. Ok, so this one’s almost free. There are hundreds of books selling at less than 1 cent on Amazon. They’re not all worth a penny, but there are some real jewels among the noise, which you can get for only the price of shipping. To find them, try browsing by subject, and then selecting “Sort by Price: Low to High.” Reading With Questionable Scruple…

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Sellars and the Philosophy of Physics

…m the description and explanation of empirical fact, as is the language of prescription and justification. Although Sellars was concerned with the philosophy of mind, there is something important here for philosophers of physics to learn as well. A major activity of physics is the collection of empirical facts. Another is the prediction and justification of these facts. But the activity of investigating meaning is a distinct activity altogether. T…

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