PSA Submissions Are a Go

…et to share your freshly prepared manuscript on PhilSci Archive before you go! Soul Physics is authored by Bryan W. Roberts. Thanks for subscribing. Want more Soul Physics? Try the Soul Physics Tweet….

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Get Started Reading Blogs on the Philosophy of Science

Theory is a new blog on the philosophy of science, which appears very promising. Otávio Bueno (Miami), Gabriele Contessa (Carleton), Marc Lange (UNC), and Chris Pincock (Purdue) are currently running the show. Guest posts are being invited. Honest Toil is Chris’s other very interesting blogue on the philosophy of mathematics. My Mind is Made Up is run by my fellow Pittsburgher Justin Sytsma. He produces some nice work on the philosophy of mind he…

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2009 Nobel Laureates in Physics

…eins and arteries of our electronic lives, allowing us to transmit data efficiently across long distances. They function on a very simple principle: light signals can be transmitted by bouncing light bouncing through a hair-thin glass tube. However, the first optical fibers couldn’t even transmit data across a football field — the signal attenuated too quickly as it passed through the fibers. In the 60’s, Kao was able to show that this attenuation…

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David Albert on symmetries of motion in quantum mechanics

…ain physical system at time t is also that system’s complete dynamical condition at t, and suppose that the dynamical equations of motion of that system are invariant under time-reversal. Then whatever it is that those equations entail about times other than t is patently going to have no alternative whatsoever but to be symmetrical about t. Suppose (moreover) that the equations of the motion of this system are invariant under time-translations ……

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PHIL-∞: An Infinite Seminar?

Can every philosophy seminar be correctly completed in either finite time or infinite time? Here’s a (gödelesque) answer in the negative, in the form of a philosophy seminar I’m calling PHIL-∞ (pronounced Phil-Infinity): Course Description. PHIL-∞ is a (very high-level) philosophy research seminar. Students participate in term-paper research, with the goal of determining the truth or falsity of the following claim: All courses in the philosophy d…

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